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Saturday, August 31, 2024

Rarest snakes in the world

 Rarest Snakes In The World

Snakes are often shrouded in mystery and fear due to unfair fear mongering, yet they are among the most fascinating creatures on the planet. Snakes are one of those animals which many people fear while being unaware of just how prevalent in our lives they are. Aside from the arctic regions, snakes can be found in almost every environment and are usually nearby, even when we don’t see them. While some species are well-known and widespread, others are so rare that they are seldom seen, even by experts. There are some snakes that we will never see, even at a zoo or reptile exhibit. These rare snakes live in some of the most isolated places on earth, with only a few remaining members of their species. Almost all of the rarest snakes in the world have something in common. Either they are threatened by habitat destruction by way of humans, are incredibly isolated with a dwindling population, or are being attacked by non-native predators which humans likely introduced. Despite being the primary cause for the downfall of these snakes, humans also have the ability to save them. In many cases, these rare snake populations have made tremendous recoveries in the wake of human intervention and conservation. Today, we will be looking at some of the rarest snakes in the world, highlighting their unique characteristics and conservation efforts. These all are threatened species and are often the subject of conservation efforts, as their existence can be threatened by habitat loss, climate change and human activities.

St. Lucia Racer (Erythrolamprus ornatus)

The St. Lucia Racer is considered the rarest snake in the world, with fewer than 20 individuals believed to exist. The St. Lucian racer suffered a similar fate to the Antiguan racer, but it hasn’t recovered to its Caribbean cousin’s extent. Currently, the St. Lucian racer is considered the rarest snake globally. Native to the Caribbean island of St. Lucia, this non-venomous snake was once thought to be extinct. It is a small and harmless type of snake species that often falls prey to larger animals like mongooses and other invasive species. The snake became threatened when black rats and the Asian mongoose were introduced to the island, killing large numbers of the snake and eating its eggs. It inhabits the dry forests of the island, where it preys on small lizards. Conservation efforts are on going to protect this critically endangered species, with the hope of increasing its population. The St. Lucian racer was believed to have become extinct in 1936 but was later rediscovered in 1973 on the island of Maria Major. Today, they are the focus of conservation efforts across the island as people hope to save this native snake.

Albany Adder (Bitis albanica)

The Albany adder was first documented in 1937 and has only been documented 12 times since then. These snakes lived in the eastern and southern Cape Providence of South Africa and were considered extinct for many years. The Albany Adder is a small, venomous viper found only in a limited area in South Africa’s Eastern Cape. This snake is so rare that it was not seen for several decades and was feared extinct. With its unique coloration and cryptic behaviour, the Albany Adder is a true gem of the reptile world. Unfortunately, habitat destruction and illegal collection have made it critically endangered. It was only in 2016 that the remains of a dead Albany adder were discovered in a road kill site, confirming the species is still existing. However, they are extremely rare and unlikely to be seen again anytime soon.

Shaw’s Sea Snake (Hydrophis curtus)

Shaw’s Sea Snake, also known as the Short Sea Snake, is an extremely rare marine snake which is seldom encountered by humans. This species is found in the shallow coastal waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, where it feeds on fish and eels. Due to its limited range and specific habitat requirements, Shaw’s Sea Snake is vulnerable to environmental changes and pollution, making it one of the rarest sea snakes in the world.

Aruban Rattlesnake (Crotalus unicolor)

As the name would have you believe, the Aruban rattlesnake is found on the Caribbean island of Aruba. Aruba is a semi-arid environment with patches of rocky desert found from the coast to the island’s interior. With the live able habitat of the snake being so small (only 9.5 square miles) and human encroachment looming, it’s no surprise there are likely fewer than 230 Aruban rattlesnakes in the wild, with 100 in captivity. Endemic to the island of Aruba, the Aruba Island Rattlesnake is one of the rarest rattlesnakes in the world. This snake is classified as critically endangered. The Aruba Island Rattlesnake has a unique pinkish hue, which helps it blend into the arid, rocky landscapes of its island home. Conservation efforts focus on habitat protection and public education to prevent further decline. They are primarily threatened by the spreading population of human establishment and the introduction of goats which destroy the vegetation necessary for the prey of the snakes.

Orlov’s Viper (Vipera orlovi)

Orlov’s Viper is a venomous snake native to the Caucasus Mountains of Russia. While we don’t normally think of Russia as a place where snakes live, Orlov’s viper proves us wrong. This venomous viper lives in the Black Sea region of Russia, with a historical range that extends into the Caucasus. With how small their range is and the habit humans have of poaching them, there are estimated to be less than 250 adults in the wild. For reference, the entire territory of Orlov’s viper is only 38 square miles. Discovered relatively recently in 2001, this snake is distinguished by its striking pattern and coloration. Orlov’s Viper is found only in a very restricted area, making it highly vulnerable to habitat loss. Conservationists are working to protect it. This snake is distinguished by its striking pattern and coloration. Orlov’s Viper is highly vulnerable to habitat loss. Conservationists are working to protect its habitat and ensure the survival of this rare and beautiful viper. 

Antiguan Racer (Alsophis antiguae)

The Antiguan racer was once thought of as the rarest snake species on Earth. Thankfully, it isn’t classified as such today, but it is still critically threatened. The snake became threatened after the introduction of the Asian mongoose, black rats and brown rats. These predators, plus human cohabitation, led them to the brink of extinction. At one point, they were believed to have been extinct, but a population was discovered on Great Bird Island off the coast of Antigua. At one point, the population dipped below 150, but today, with massive conservation efforts, they have rebounded slightly and have a somewhat stable population. This non-venomous snake was nearly driven to extinction by introduced predators. Thanks to intensive conservation efforts, including habitat restoration and predator control. They are still considered critically endangered. 

Trang Blind Snake and Roxane’s Blind Snake

There are many species of blind snakes, all of them small and easy to miss. Most blind snakes burrow under the soil and rarely come up. Their underground habits, combined with how small they are, make them some of the hardest snakes to keep tabs on. Roxane’s Racer is a little-known and elusive species of snake found in the Middle East. With only a handful of confirmed sightings, this snake remains a mystery to herpetologists. Its rarity is likely due to its extremely limited range and specific habitat preferences. Conservationists are still studying Roxane’s Racer to understand more about its ecology and distribution. The Trang blind snake and Roxane’s blind snake are two species which are incredibly rare to this day. In fact, both species are so rare that they were never seen again after they were discovered. They are likely still around, but with how hard they are to find, it is difficult to know how many there are or where they exist, other than Thailand.

San Francisco Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia)

The San Francisco Garter Snake is often described as the most beautiful snake in North America due to its vibrant blue, red and black stripes. Endemic to the San Francisco Peninsula, this snake has become critically endangered due to habitat destruction and urban development. Despite its striking appearance, the San Francisco Garter Snake is elusive and rarely seen, adding to its rarity and allure.

Striped Blind Snake

Striped blind snakes are so rare that there isn’t much information available about them. They are small burrowing snakes that live underground, making them very hard to find. They can also be found under logs and in forest vegetation as high as 1400m above sea level. Striped blind snakes are very small, measuring only 48cm in the largest-ever specimen. They are characterized by eyes which are covered by skin to the point of near invisibility, and a series of 10 pairs of alternating dark and light stripes. Native to South America, these snakes are known for their distinct stripped patterns. Since these snakes live in a limited area and have very specific habitat requirements, they are very vulnerable. The striped blind snake was believed to have been extinct for 172 years, but a dead individual was found in 2019 in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, located in Singapore. This type of snake has been documented in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and southern Thailand. They are not dangerous to humans.

Langaha Madagascariensis (Madagascar Leaf-Nosed Snake)

The Madagascar Leaf-Nosed Snake is a highly specialized and rare species found only in Madagascar’s forests. Its elongated, leaf-shaped snout makes it one of the most unusual-looking snakes in the world. This snake’s cryptic appearance allows it to blend seamlessly with its surroundings, making it difficult to spot in the wild. These snakes are rare due to a variety of factors ranging from habitat degradation, and climate change, to poaching and characteristics. Unfortunately, many of them are on the brink of extinction, and there are some that were already thought to have been extinct only to make a comeback with new sightings. It is extremely important to bring awareness to the plight of these reptiles and the changing environment to potentially prevent any further losses.

Short-Nosed Sea Snake

The Ashmore reef population of short-nosed sea snakes is near extinction. The short-nosed sea snake can be found in the reefs of the Arafura Sea, a region between Australia and Western New Guinea. These snakes are often called the Sahul reed snake and are critically endangered with only two known populations. The coastal population and the Ashmore reef population are occasionally considered distinct subspecies, which, if true, would mean that the Ashmore reef snake is likely facing extinction. The Ashmore reef population was considered extinct until a sighting in 2021 confirmed there were still short-nosed sea snakes there.

Other Endangered Snake Species

This list of abovementioned rarest snakes on Earth might soon become longer if we’re not able to save other snake species that are under threat of extinction. Around the world, hundreds of snake species are endangered due to habitat loss, poaching and climate change. Many live in small, restricted habitats, making them even more vulnerable. Some of these species include:-

Pfeffer’s reed snakes:- These snakes live in wooded areas and grasslands and are currently found in isolated populations in the Ryukyu Islands of Japan.

Peters’ bright snakes:- These long, thin, brown snakes come out at night and exist only on a single island off the coast of Africa.

March’s Palm Pit Viper:- The population of venomous, tree-dwelling snakes living in the forests of Central America is in severe decline.

March’s Palm Pit Viper (Bothriechis marchi) :- The population of March’s palm pit vipers in Central America is in severe decline.

Olive-headed sea snake:- The olive-headed sea snake was discovered by “The Fantastic Grandmothers.” A group of friends aged in their 60s and 70s who call themselves “The Fantastic Grandmothers” came across the greater sea snake species, also known as olive-headed sea snakes while snorkeling in New Caledonia. Pale yellow with dark brown bands, this species is the largest sea snake in that area of the South Pacific and can grow up to 5 feet long. While these snakes are venomous, they are not aggressive and there has been no record of anyone being bitten where the population lives in Baie des Citrons, which is popular with locals and tourists. Greater sea snakes’ tails have markings that are unique, like fingerprints, and the grandmothers have been helping scientists in New Caledonia and Australia by taking photos of each snake they discover. They have been able to collect valuable data, including information on reproduction patterns. Between 2016 and 2018, they logged 277 sightings of at least 140 different greater sea snakes.

How Many Snakes Are There In The World?

It’s not possible to determine the exact number of individual snakes in the world, especially considering their reclusive nature. We can estimate that there are 3,500 species of snakes on Earth. Of these, 600 are venomous species. The country with the most snake species is Brazil. It has more than 375 species, including well-known constrictors such as the boa constrictor and anaconda. And there are countries in the world that have zero snakes which include Ireland, Iceland, Greenland, New Zealand and Antarctica are all free of snakes.

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